Our Impossible Dream

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For any member who signs up as a Regular Contributor these are the suggested contribution levels:

Red A person or couple who commits to making a total donation of $4,800 or more for each of the next three years.

Yellow A person or couple who commits to making a total donation of $500 to less than $4800 for each of the next three years.

Black A person or couple who commits to making a one-time donation of $70 to less than $500 for each of the next three years.

Green A person or couple who commits to making a one-time donation of $20 to less than $70 for each of the next three years.

First Name
Middle Initial
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
State (US and Canada Only)
Zip/Postal Code
Email Address
Annual Donation
Please check if you would consider investing $30K when the VC Firm has its plans in place (probably 2 years from now).This is not a binding commitment but one you would consider when the appropriate prospective investment documents are available from the VC Firm.
Please donate by check if you can. Send to:
Climate Stick
513 N. Madison Ave
Bay City, MI 48708
Otherwise, donate by credit card.

Not ready to commit

You will receive a two page receipt when your check or cc payment arrives. The first page can be part of your work to gain others to Our Impossible Dream (it is a poster if you like) and the second is for your tax returns as donations are tax deductible.